It’s kind of cliche at this point to mention how much a particular area of East Austin has changed. Still, if the breakneck pace of development on this side of town continues, it’s in our best interest to make this growth as smart as possible. That’s the intended goal of the Transit Oriented-Development (TOD) known as Chestnut Plaza emerging around…
Taking a Closer Look at Downtown Austin’s New MetroRail Station
We’ve known for some time that changes were on the way for downtown Austin’s MetroRail station. Despite the fact that its existing platform on East Fourth Street opened more than seven years ago, it was always intended as a temporary solution, with a more permanent station to be built later. Thanks to a $22 million grant from the…
The Great Austin MetroRail Bar Crawl, Mapped
Austin’s public transit has some issues. But ignore the haters for a second, because the novelty of riding a train in Austin still hasn’t worn off, and the MetroRail system has the potential to bring a car-free (or, let’s be honest, car-reduced) future to your doorstep . . . Become a patron to get the full story and gain…