The Capitol View Corridors protecting various perspectives of the Capitol dome throughout the central city are an effective metaphor for Austin itself, each an invisible monument to the decades-long spiritual battle between past and future defining so many aspects of our local culture. The . . . Become a patron to get the full story and gain access to TOWERS’ archive….
Wanna Unlock More Housing Across Austin? Start Thinking Small
Would you rather live in a small building or a big one? In Austin, you often don’t get a choice, but that could change soon. Recent tweaks proposed for Austin’s land development code by City Council earlier this summer hope to unlock multifamily projects on smaller properties . . . Become a patron to get the full story and gain…
What’s Next for Zilker Park?
The unceremonious shelving of the Zilker Vision Plan announced earlier this week after years of work doesn’t really inspire much confidence in Austin’s civic process. In fact, it’s evidence that the city’s current leadership is capable of being swayed towards inaction by threats,
Downtown’s Defunct HealthSouth Redevelopment Prepares Its Comeback
The failure of the agreement between private developers Aspen Heights Partners and the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department to construct two residential towers containing hundreds of market-rate and affordable housing units on 1.73 acres of city-owned downtown land formerly occupied by the HealthSouth rehab hospital at 1215 Red River Street was one of the more quietly depressing…
Gosh, That Building Sure Is Blue
Do you think this heat wave is making everyone in Austin feel stupid? Me personally, I’m wearing a big dunce cap and wandering around Waterloo Park telling everyone to look at the blue building, remarking on how blue it is, asking concerned bystanders if they’ve ever seen a building that blue, and so on. It’s starting to…
What’s the Deal With French Place?
French Place is a bit of an enigma. It’s not quite a neighborhood, but also not just one street — the best way to describe it is a small enclave within the larger Cherrywood neighborhood of East Austin, with porous boundaries depending on who you ask. Best we can tell, French Place makes up the region of…