One of the more common complaints leveled against the ongoing growth of downtown Austin condo and apartment towers is that the new buildings rising around us all look the same. General architectural trends and the material similarities of most modern structures have contributed to that argument, at least in some cases, but the criticism we hear the…
Aura On Lamar Apartments Head for North Loop’s ‘Friendly Whale’
Hey, remember the weird chunk of land at the southeast corner of North Lamar Boulevard and West Koenig Lane we decided was shaped kinda like a whale? This guy: The quirky and currently quite empty 3.4-acre tract at 5629 North Lamar Boulevard, purchased from the State of Texas last year for an undisclosed sum by Dallas-based multifamily developer Trinsic…
Here’s Our First Look at South Lamar’s Next Mixed-Use Transformation
South Lamar Boulevard is no stranger to growth, but recent plans show there’s still more than enough room left for dense, smart expansion on the corridor — honest! Next on the menu down south is a 3.88-acre redevelopment of adjacent tracts at 1303, 1311, and 1401 South Lamar Boulevard, which will replace locations of
A Second Tower Project’s Headed Downtown at Sixth and Guadalupe
A mixed-use apartment and office tower by national real estate firm Ryan Companies is in an early planning phase atop a nearly half-acre land assembly on the southeast corner of West Sixth and Guadalupe Streets in downtown Austin — making the as-yet-unnamed project the second tower now planned at this intersection, joining the 6 X Guadalupe development…
We’ve Got Two Options for a Snazzed-Up Trailhead in the Rainey Street District
The Trail Foundation’s vision for an improved Hike-and-Bike Trail entrance — or trailhead, using the preferred hiker-and-biker parlance — in downtown Austin’s rapidly-growing Rainey Street District is finally taking shape this month. At a public engagement meeting held last weekend, the nonprofit showed off two possible design configurations of an upgraded entry point and park space…
How Big Should Project Connect Go?
Last week I had the privilege of attending an open house for Project Connect , the planning effort to build a high-frequency, high-capacity, fast-running base for Austin’s transit system. Although the in-person open houses for the Orange and Blue lines are over, you can still review the materials and get your feedback heard at the virtual open house . CapMetro…