The saga of the Seaholm intake goes way back. After work began on a mixed-use project adapting the decommissioned historic Seaholm Power Plant in 2013, the City of Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department announced a competition soliciting designs from local architects for a remodel of the power plant’s intake building, located on the shores of Lady Bird Lake across Cesar Chavez…
Hotel Planned for West 17th and Lavaca Street Parking Lot in Downtown Austin
Within the last couple of weeks, a New Orleans-based developer began its application process with the City of Austin’s Development Services Department to build a 204-room hotel at Lavaca and West 17th Streets, according to city documents. The company, HRI Development, has carried out some impressive adaptive reuse projects on historic buildings over the last 36…
Boutique Hotel Project Arrives On Oracle’s Heels Near East Riverside
Los Angeles hospitality development firm BLVD745 plans to build a 128-room, four-story location of its boutique Roadhouse Hotel and Junction brand in Southeast Austin at 2500 Willow Hill Drive, a 2.73-acre site currently occupied by a carwash located near the corner of East Riverside Drive and South Pleasant Valley Road. This will be the second development in the area to…
Clearing the Air at the Austonian
Q: Since last month, there’s been a bunch of work taking place at the Austonian. I see what looks like scaffolding and some other equipment up there. What’s going on? A: It might look like window washing, but it turns out what’s taking place at the Austonian is of a slightly more critical nature — it’s…
Huh, These Towers All Kinda Look Exactly the Same, Don’t They?
Listen, we’re not trying to cause any trouble here. But we also have eyes, so it’s hard not to notice the subtext of today’s Austin Business Journal first look at the design of the downtown office tower now known as The Republic, headed to
Putting Teeth in Austin’s South Central Waterfront Redevelopment Plan
Updated: May 24, 2018* City of Austin Principal Planner Alan Holt recently gave the Design Commission an update on the South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan , with an eye toward how to implement the document. This is the document that City Council approved the summer of 2016, but Holt made clear that its success requires a governing board that does…